We make the children curious

We learn about nature

We learn in small groups

We try, we experience


Admission: 1. 2. 3. 4. Grade

Financial contribution: supporter

In a fairy-tale like, natural environment on the edge of Kiskunság National Park, we believe that children can learn exceptionally well while feeling emotionally secure and internally motivated while following their personal interests. Our school is currently attended by children between ages 6-10.

In our rapidly changing world, by looking at future research, we can conclude that the most important skills we can give our children are self-knowledge, the ability to cooperate, the ability to learn, critical thinking, and flexible adaptability.

Kids are open to the world and want to understand how things work – we build on that basic curiosity. We support them in becoming capable of lifelong, self-controlled learning and help them acquire abilities to confidently face the challenges of the 21st century.

With us, children learn through experiences.

When they bake muffins or craft a soccer goal, they learn the units of measurement. When they go on one of their daily hikes, they gain leadership skills. When they fold a paper plane and have to type “paper plane folding” on YouTube, they learn how to read and practice English. When they play the Rókanyomon board game, they practice cooperation. When they step on a frozen puddle, they experience the relationship between the ice’s thickness and its strength. When they open their own store, they learn entrepreneurial skills. When they bring their conflict with their schoolmate to the school board, they practice self-advocacy and conflict management. When they create rules for the peaceful cooperation of the community, they improve their basics of democracy and active citizenship.

We believe and show that the world is interesting and good to live in. We offer insight into many areas of life to help them realize what really piques their interest.

Registration / Application

In case you are interested, register by pressing the button here and follow the instructions received via email.

Our Team