Last year, 343 families provided feedback

representing 40%

From the annual parents' feedback survey, we see that the children are doing well at school, and areas for further improvement have emerged: mentoring, communication, and clearer demonstration of children's development.

At BPS, we seek and receive various types of feedback; our motto is 'feedback is a gift.' Every two months, we ask parents if everything is alright. Once a year, we ask for in-depth feedback through a detailed questionnaire. Last year, 343 of you provided feedback, representing 40% of families. Overall, it's evident that the school is very strong in many areas. Our strengths include communication between teachers and children/students, children's well-being, providing feedback to children and families, and conflict resolution.

Our strengths

A kérdőív módszertana nagyon egyszerű: olyan állításokat fogalmazunk meg, amik szándékaink szerint jellemzőek a BPS-re, és megkérdeztük a szülőket, hogy mennyire értenek egyet ezekkel. Azok a mondatok, amelyekkel 2022-ben és 2023-ban a szülők több mint 80% egyetértett írják jól körül a BPS erősségét:

  1. I am familiar with the content of the triple agreement.
  2. My child knows the school rules and values.
  3. My child has a good relationship with their mentor.
  4. If I have a question about my child's safety, the school answers it.
  5. The school is interested in my child's opinion.
  6. My child has friends at school.

A BPS-ben egy gyerek, a mentortanára és szülői negyedévenként leülnek és átbeszélik hol tart a gyerek, hogy érzi magát, hogy haladt a céljai felé, mivel szeretne vagy lenne érdemes foglalkoznia. Ezt hívjuk hármas szerződésnek, vagy tanulási szerződésnek. Ha a szülők ezt ismerik, akkor ez nem csagy, hogy megtörténik, de fontos is.

Talán a többi állítást nem kell magyarázni. Az eredménynek nagyon örülünk, mert

children's well-being and psychological safety, our core value, are essential for effective learning.

Is the school improving?

Comparing data from 2022 and 2023, we see that 'areas we focus on are improving.' Such an area is conflict resolution. You indicate that children can get help in case of conflict or bullying. Children trust their teachers and turn to them for help.

To improve the quality and frequency of feedback, we have developed our feedback system's subjects, details, and quality based on your previous suggestions. We see that the trimester frequency and quality of feedback are already good. It helped you better understand your children's learning, and we see that summarizing and consolidating still require further development.

Based on your feedback, we know there are other areas for improvement.

  • We should work on setting good goals for our children.
  • Organizing the frequency and demonstration of mentoring and the organization of individual mentoring goals are areas where we need to improve.
  • We must maintain and integrate mentor conversations into the weekly schedule. We can't let other things take up the time.

There's a lot of data and aspects in the evaluation tables. There's also a demand to 'translate' all this clearly to parents, so it's more evident what and how the children need to improve. Parent involvement and active participation in the learning process are crucial, and we need to improve in this area too.

What we can do now?

Every school will receive the analysis and your feedback. There are areas where the micro-community and school can make changes, and others where central resources should be allocated; we will distribute this accordingly.

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