Admission and feedback on the submitted application are continuous, the number of our open places is limited.
A Budapest School egyik legfontosabb alapelve, hogy akkor és annak kell történnie a gyerekekkel, ami őket a fejlődésükben adott pillanatban a leginkább támogatja. Minden, ami az iskolában történik, újra és újra erre az alapkérdésre kell, hogy visszatérjen: az segíti a leginkább a gyerekek fejlődését, amit most csinálunk, vagy változtatnunk kell rajta? A Budapest School ezért egy rugalmas és integratív közösség, amely mindig a gyerekek fejlődéséhez igazodik.
Ahhoz, hogy a gyerekek fejlődni tudjanak a legfontosabb, hogy biztonságban érezzék magukat. Mi arra törekszünk, hogy egy olyan nyugodt környezetet tudjunk a gyerekek számára biztosítani, ahol bátran fedezhetik fel a világot, kérdezhetnek és és tapasztalatokat szerezhetnek. Sok időt töltünk a szabadban, sokat mozgunk, kúszunk, mászunk, ugrálunk, barangolunk. És arra is odafigyelünk, hogy mindeközben legyen alkalom arra, hogy a gyerekek szociális képességei folyamatosan fejlődjenek.
Exercise is essential for the healthy development of children. It helps not only in physical and physical development, but also in concentration, cognitive abilities and learning skills.
Budapest School is a school, that is based on a strong community of families. What does this mean? Children can have a strong sense of security and the development is the most efficient when those two environments, where they spend their days, work similarly. Thus it is essential for teachers and parents to work together.
For many kids the first community without their parents is kindergarten. Here they start to learn to cooperate, live in peace with other children. They have the first opportunities to learn how to find solutions that are equally good for every partner in social situations.
Location: 11th District
Age group: Currently 3-6 years old children are welcome to apply.
Financial contribution: supporter
We are still looking for the location of our dreams. In this new kindergarten, we crawl, climb, run, spend a lot of time outdoors, learn how to cooperate - all games and activities are tailored to the individual needs of the children and serve their development.
Location: 22nd District
Age group: Currently 3-6 years old children are welcome to apply.
Financial contribution: supporter
We focus on the 21st century abilities and skills: teamwork, cooperation, critical thinking, and creativity come to the foreground instead of constant competition. We are up-to-date: we develop our digital competence and become acquainted with computer science – keeping age group-specific devices and content in mind.
Location: 13th District
Age group: Currently 3-5 years old children are welcome to apply.
Financial contribution: supporter
We believe that inspiring, cooperative, and joyful activities; a lot of mobility; and of course, playing freely all contribute to our children’s opportunity to discover the world according to their own interests and at their own pace.
Location: Solymár, Sport street
Age group: Currently 3-6 years old children are welcome to apply.
Financial contribution: supporter
Our aim is to provide an emotionally safe environment for our children. We dedicate a key role to education in English. We believe that during playing children are more enthusiastic about learning foreign languages.
We rather want to get to know the kids and their family. It is important that in Budapest School parents and teachers cooperate closely and actively to help kids grow. It is important that newcomers understand, help and support all the other parents and teachers. We also believe that newly joining kids should make our groups even more diverse and not to endanger any members in any ways.
We see it rather as finding a new friend, a partner in business, almost a partner for life or more like finding a new colleague: we do not want you to take a test, but during a "get-to-know-each-other" process we decide if we can cooperate effectively.
During the joining process, we focus on building a safe partnership. We communicate transparently about opportunities and decisions. Our goal is to find a personalized school for everyone, but at the same time, you have to know that there are aspects that we mutually consider during the application process.
These aspects are: