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There are a few places in this academic year in grade 9th, 10th, 11th Grades.

BPS High School

A BPS High School korszerű, személyreszabott iskolaként egyedi alternatívát jelent a budapesti iskolák között. Az érettségin túl a kreditrendszerben elérhető választható kurzusok, a szoros mentorálás segíti a diákokat, hogy tudatosan betájolt irányába indulhassanak az érettségi után.

A kreditrendszerben választható kurzusok és a biztos érettségihez szükséges alapozó órák biztosítják, hogy mindenki azt tanulja, amire szüksége van és amit szeret.

  • Biztos jó érettségi mindenkinek.
  • Magyar vagy külföldi egyetemekre is tovább lehet menni.
  • A 21. századi képességek a mindennapok részei.
  • A jóllét, a pszichológia biztonság és fejlődés fókuszban.
  • Alkotásra, cselekvésre optimalizált, fejlődésorientált tanulási környezet.
  • Progresszív területeken (média, digital making, STEM, design, bussiness, society) való elmélyülés lehetősége.
  • Kidolgozott iskolai keretek, amiken belül mindenki felelősséget vállal a saját tanulásáért
What we consider important
What we consider important

For children to overcome future obstacles, it is important to maintain their natural curiosity and desire for learning.

What we learn
What we learn

In addition to the core subjects (math, litreture, history and second language), 21. century skills, resiliency and global citizenship, the students have the option to mix and match elective courses and earn credit points.

This is who we are
This is who we are

If someone strives to be better at something, they need the will to learn, practice, and make efforts. Students would like to receive more from the school than just a certificate.

Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.

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Ken Robinson Educational expert

Fields of interests

Students have the option to mix and match elective courses and earn credit points ⅓ time in various topics. Series of courses will enable students to gain deep knowledge in specific fields. Listed below are some of the established fields of interest students can pursue through elective classes.

Human studies and arts
Human studies and arts

We read a lot and watch movies, then we compare and analyze them. We ask questions and seek answers - we get to know the world and ourselves through literature and cinema. In our drama sessions we improvise, we practice assertive communication, we learn to focus on the environment and time around us, we learn about our physical presence and about each other, with the help of the basic tools of theater. We also deal with other branches of art: we practice painting, we discover colors, shapes, textures, we draw, we create - we experiment with the several forms of self-expression in art.

Global competencies and the 21st Century
Global competencies and the 21st Century

The Earth is being degraded, a group of scientists will send a colony of people to another planet. Who would you send and where? What awaits people there and how will they live there? / Start your own business anywhere in the world! But before that: prepare a business plan, outline opportunities, and present them to real entrepreneurs and startup developers. / You don't need to know French to be interested in French culture. In which parts of the world is French the official spoken language, what is happening in French public life, what historical events had such a strong influence, that French culture became so determining all around the world? In our global competencies workshops, we address the big issues of the world and develop the skills that are essential to thrive in the 21st century.


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In the advanced math workshop, we deal with complex tasks that are an exciting challenge for the fans of systems, structures, and abstract thinking. In a robotics workshop, we combine this area with the process of creative creation, we build and program robots in small groups. And in the Raspberry Pi sessions, we build our own computer, then we learn how to program it and how to create systems with it, such as smart home.

Media and communication
Media and communication

We draw, build, and do experimenting in 2D and 3D in the so-called "Eternal moving" workshop, which has been running since the first days of the Rakpart. We combine manual and digital creation - we take photos, make a film, and animate with phone apps. The inspirations for our work are the interesting phenomena of the world, the challenges of our present times, our close environment, or ourselves, our feelings and thoughts. We also work constantly on another loved project, the BudapestKids, which is the website of Rakpart's student media-team. A site where the students can freely express their opinions and thoughts on the big issues in the world.


Budapest School is a network of several microschool (and we also call kindergartens schools for simpilicity). A microschool means a community where kids, parents and teachers cooperate closely. Members are involved in the community because they feel safe in it, they accept each other and their goal is to let the kids to be in flow as much as possible for optimum and individual development

We are interested in the children themselves, not their grades. Therefore, we designed an application process specifically to come to know them as well as possible.


Browse through our webpage, check the detailed descriptions of our micro-schools and choose one!

If you are interested in learning with us, please subscribe as soon as possible.


Preparing an individual project

We refuse to believe in standardised application forms. Instead, we wish to see your unique way of thinking, your interests, and your creative skills.

The application process starts by sending you a form via e-mail, which you need to fill in and send back to us. Afterwards, we will send you topic proposals (you will pick one topic) and some hints about the preparation process so that you may begin working on your project.

The project is an individual work, in which you yourself determine what is important, interesting, or educational for you within the chosen topic.

Prepare a video (maximum. 5 minutes) about the project and send it to us.

There are no restrictions regarding the video; anything and anyone may be included if you believe they are important or help us understand your idea better.

You will have two weeks to send us the link to your project video.

School exam game

As a next step, we wish to meet you in person.

First, you need to choose the most suitable date for the oral exam (there will be multiple options), then you receive a 'school' type question a week before the personal meeting.

The question may not fit into your interests, but we would like to see that you are confident in such a situation. You will need to prepare your answer by the time of the exam.

At the meeting, you will be able to tell us about your project, and your thoughts and answer on the other question.

There will be 6-7 of your peers along with the Budapest High School team at the oral exam, so you will not be alone.

It will be exciting and inspiring to listen to each other in person.

Personal meeting with the family

Do not forget: we may be choosing you, but you also need to come to know us as well as possible before making your decision.

It is incredibly important that both you and your family know exactly what to expect, should you decide to join Budapest High School.

Therefore, we would like to meet your family as a final step. We shall make a separate appointment for this.