We held our first independent professional conference in January 2019: its title was “Tips and Tricks for Teachers in Practice”. Since then, we have held the event every month and welcomed several excellent presenters who shared their knowledge, thoughts, and experiences.
The event gave us the idea to create an online knowledge base which could inspire anyone interested in education.
This is how the presentations of the meetup gave birth to the knowledge base.
Ányos Elek, Actor
Niki Barta, Bridge Bizniscool
Ági Kovács, Budapest School
Fruzsi Kollányi, Skool
Rita Galambos, Demokratikus Ifjúságért Alapítvány
Ildikó Győri, Psychologist
György Garamvölgyi - Leader of Göcsej Kapuja Bak Általános Iskola
Forgács Anna, tanító, közgazdász
Ányos Elek, Actor
Emese Katina, Special Education Teacher
We are very sorry, but this content is available only in Hungarian.
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