The proportions of 80-20%
From the beginning, we have placed great emphasis in our accession process on providing opportunities for families from as diverse social and financial backgrounds as possible.
All schools are funded by parental contributions from the community.
In order to accommodate families with different financial backgrounds, we have defined fixed proportions in two categories, with the result that 80% of families help the other 20% to learn. Applicants in either contribution category can participate in the accession process.
Places will also be vacated in our operating schools if someone leaves us. Vacancies will be filled by families from a similar financial background as the leaving ones to ensure the financial stability of the school by keeping the proportions of 80-20%. Thus, families offering a lower amount (scholarship category) can join us if a sufficient number of supporting families have already joined us. Scholarship and supportive families remain anonymous to the community.
Wherever you sign up, it is up to you to decide how much you wish to offer within the given range. The higher the amount you offer, the more you help the community. Schools intend to fill the places in both categories: our goal is to provide scholarship places for at least 20%.
Our selection principle will remain simple. A higher number of supporters means more scholarship. In addition to financial stability, we also take the children’s age and gender into account, so that our groups are also diverse in this respect.
Families pay contribution for 12 months, so plan for the whole year!
n case of a school (community), this is the amount that covers the school’s monthly expenses. Nearly two-thirds of this goes to teachers, with the remaining one-third covering the cost of renting a property, teacher trainings, administrative and legal responsibilities, and catering.
The costs for the whole year are divided into 12 months, so the amount does not change in summer, either.
Elsősorban a mikroiskolák fenntarthatósága miatt szükséges ezen egyszeri költségek befizetése. A tanárok fizetése, az ingatlanok bérleti díja állandó kiadás az iskoláknak, így a bevételeket is tervezhetővé akarjuk tenni. Amit el akarunk kerülni: felveszünk tanárokat, kibérlünk ingatlanokat, majd egy márciusi napon elmennek családok úgy, hogy tartoznak, és “nyárra már nem fizetünk” kijelentéssel mínuszba viszik a közösségek költségvetését. Ezért:
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