Breaking Down the Walls of the Classroom

Learning to Learn

Face the Future with Confidence

Learn What You Really Want

Changing Environment, Changing School

Answering the World’s Big Questions

Exploration and Creation


Location: 14th District / 1145 Budapest, Gyarmat utca 5.

Age group: We are expecting the applications of those students who will countinue their junior class right now, and also we currently accept 2nd Grade students.

There are a couple of places available for junior, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grade pupils for 2025/2026 academic year.

Unfortunatelly we do not have free places for children with special educational needs.

Financial contribution: supporter

About the financial system

Nature, Culture, Individuality

In our micro-school, environmental education plays a significant role due to our proximity to Városliget. We focus on observing and experiencing the changes in the surrounding nature from scientific, artistic, and cultural perspectives. We frequently explore and travel around Budapest, whether our outings are to an exciting playground, locations related to our projects, museums, or theaters.

We believe that every child attending our school should be supported in their individuality, and we see parents as partners in this endeavor. Our goal is to build a safe, nurturing, and accepting community together with the children. We consider emotional education, non-violent communication, experience- and inquiry-based learning, and arts education to be of great importance. We closely collaborate with special education teachers and a school psychologist as well.

If you're interested in how learning happens at our place, follow our Facebook page!

Beszélgessünk az iskoláról, tedd fel kérdéseidet!


Preschool Year

In the preparatory year, our main focus is on developing the foundational skills of 5-6-year-old children so that they can confidently learn to read, write, and do math in the following year. Additionally, we strive to cultivate a positive attitude toward school: because here, we play, experience growth, participate in exciting activities, and are surrounded by love and acceptance.

During the first weeks and trimester, we spend a lot of time exploring our environment (building nests). We get to know our school, classrooms, various spaces, our little garden, our playgrounds where we go in the afternoons, and of course, the children and adults with whom we play, learn, and exist day by day. As we progress into the second trimester, we gradually learn our common framework, language, establish our routines, and deepen the children's sense of security and the feeling of "being at home in school." The pedagogical program of the preparatory year is highly tailored to the current group of children. We adapt our activities, methods, and pace based on the specific needs of the children. If the composition allows, we adjust activities to be more school-oriented, but if children are more inclined towards play and storytelling, these will dominate our sessions initially.

One thing is certain: by the end of the year, children reach a level (both physically and mentally in terms of coordination, social relationships, learning skills, etc.) where they can confidently start/continue their studies in 1st grade in September.

Learning Organization

The children learn in small groups (6-12 students), allowing space for conversations, storytelling, dramatization, and games. Using the National Basic Curriculum as a guideline, we progress with each child along their own learning path. This process can vary greatly in speed, so we strive to differentiate instruction while harnessing the cohesive power of the community to guide everyone toward progress. We want our children not only to acquire factual knowledge but also to approach the world with curious attention and develop a love for the process of learning. Alongside modules for writing, reading, and math, the first year already includes modules for singing, yoga, ice skating, running, emotional intelligence (EQ), English, and art. Throughout the year, children have collaborated on several project works, achieving trimester-set goals (such as creating posters, board games, dioramas, book presentations, learning letters, etc.) to smooth their individual learning paths. We aim for the children attending our school to actively participate in their own development, get to know themselves, and reflect on their own performance. We strive to build a community where it feels good to be, where discussions and ideas have a place, and where there is room and time for implementation as well.

We place great emphasis on arts education, supporting children in expressing themselves through various creative activities. They experience the joy of both collaborative and individual creation. In addition to developing numerous skills during art classes, we also engage in art therapy exercises, which help to build the children's self-awareness and self-confidence on more stable foundations.

Throughout the school year, joining us is an ongoing process. Changing schools is often necessary and a positive step. If a child doesn't feel comfortable in school or within their community, and neither they nor their parents receive satisfactory solutions, then considering a school change is worth it. Here in Zugló, we strive to help newcomers and families integrate into the community with openness, differentiation, and solution-focused approaches.


Örömmel járunk iskolába
Örömmel járunk iskolába

Nálunk a gyerekek szeretnek iskolába járni. Felszabadultak, boldogok, kreatívak. Tesznek a saját egészségükért, jövőjükért, egymásért, kapcsolódnak önmagukhoz és társaikhoz. Fontos számunkra a szorongás-, bántalmazás- és megalázásmentes, érzelmileg biztonságos környezet, ahol nincsenek szőnyeg alá söpört konfliktusok, és ahol mindenki a közösség elfogadott tagja. Hiszünk abban, hogy csak így lehet örömtelien együtt tanulni.

Kreatív iskola
Kreatív iskola

Az alkotást és tanulást a gyerekek a BPS-ben saját ügynek tekintik. Azért tanulnak, mert hajtja őket a kíváncsiság és az érdeklődés, mert megtapasztalják a kihívások és a haladás örömét, mert flowban vannak. Ez nem versenyistálló, hanem egy kreatív, bátran kísérletező és kérdező, “out of the box” gondolkodó közösség. A BPS-ben a gyerekek mernek álmodni, célokat kitűzni és tesznek önmagukért és másokért.

Szülők partnerek
Szülők partnerek

Szülőként a BPS-ben hatással tudunk lenni a gyerekeink oktatására. A tanárok partnerként kezelik a szülőket, a szülők és tanárok együttműködnek a gyerekek érdekében. Szülőként is erős közösségi élménynek lehetünk a részesei, rengeteg a lehetőség a kapcsolódásra, de nem kötelező kifesteni az iskolát. Inkább csak élvezzük, hogy hozzánk hasonló családokkal tölthetünk időt.

Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.

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Ken Robison Educational expert

Modern school

Nem elég a tananyagot állandóan frissíteni, hanem strukturális változásra van szükség ahhoz, hogy a gyerekek tényleg azt tudják tanulni, amit szeretnek, és amire szükségük van.

Tanulni tanulunk
Tanulni tanulunk

A szükséges alapokat mindenki megtanulja. Ezen felül a legfontosabb képesség, amit elsajátítanak a gyerekek az az, hogy “tanulni tanulnak”. A gyerekek sok területen kipróbálják magukat, kísérleteznek, elmélyednek valamiben, hogy aztán megtalálják azt, ami leginkább megmozgatja őket, amibenigazán flow-ba tudnak kerülni.

Személyreszabott tanulás
Személyreszabott tanulás

A BPS rendszerében XXI. századi iskola. A gyerekek folyamatosan fejlődnek a célállításban és a saját maguk által állított kihívások leküzdésében. Tanulnak projekt alapon, elmélyedhetnek abban. ami őket érdekli, és képesek tanulni a hibáikból. Mindebben a mentorrendszer és a jól strukturált iskola segít.


A BPS-es gyerekek szeretnek iskolába járni, szeretnek a barátaikkal és társaikkal együtt tanulni és alkotni. Sokat dolgoznak csapatban, a (mikro)iskolájukat magukénak érzik. Együtt alakítják az oktatásukat. Megtanulnak érdekeket egyeztetni, a konfliktusokra fejlődési lehetőségként tekintenek.

Felhatalmazott tanárok
Felhatalmazott tanárok

A BPS egy agilis és rugalmas szervezet. Célunk, hogy az iskolákat felhatalmazott hatékony és kompetens tanárcsapatok vezessék: ők alakítják ki az órarendet, hívják be a külsős tanárokat, alakítják ki a teret. A BPS szervezet dolga a tanárokat ebben a munkában támogatni, a ,,biztonsági hálót megtartani”.

Learn more

Nyílt nap, személyes konzultáció, (virtuális) látogatás érdekelne? Add meg az e-mail címedet és beszéljünk!


In case you are interested, register by pressing the button here.

Akkreditált iskola vagyunk

A Budapest School államilag elismert, akkreditált iskola. Az ide járó gyerekek minden, más állami iskolában elvárt tankötelezettségi elvárásnak megfelelnek. Az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma (EMMI) engedélyezte, hogy a Budapest School Általános Iskola és Gimnázium a BPS modell alapján készült egyedi pedagógia programjáben szereplő egyedi megoldásokat alkalmazza.

Budapest School is a member of Council of International Schools (CIS) since June of 2020.
Budapest School is a member of Council of International Schools (CIS) since June of 2020.


We want to get to know the kids and their family. It is important that in Budapest School parents and teachers cooperate closely and actively to help kids grow. It is important that newcomers understand, help and support all the other parents and teachers. We also believe that newly joining kids should make our groups even more diverse and not to endanger any members in any ways.

We see it rather as finding a new friend, a partner in business, almost a partner for life or more like finding a new colleague: we do not want you to take a test, but during a "get-to-know-each-other" process we decide if we can cooperate effectively.


A csatlakozási folyamat során a biztonságra, a partneri kapcsolat kiépítésére fókuszálunk, a Budapest School transzparensen kommunikál a lehetőségekről és döntésekről. Célunk, hogy mindenki számára megtaláljuk a személyre szabott iskolát, ugyanakkor érdemes tudnotok, hogy vannak olyan szempontok, amelyeket a jelentkezési folyamat során kölcsönösen megfontolunk.

During the joining process, we focus on building a safe partnership. We communicate transparently about opportunities and decisions. Our goal is to find a personalized school for everyone, but at the same time, you have to know that there are aspects that we mutually consider during the application process.

These aspects are:

  • Number of scholarship and sponsor vacancies per school
  • The minimum monthly contribution is HUF 150,000 in BPS Gellért. Scholarship is limitedly available in 5. and 6. Grade. Learn more about the financial contribution HERE.
  • Number of children requiring special treatment per school
  • Timing of joining the school
  • Gender ratio
  • Age distribution
  • The dynamics of the trio of child - parent-teachers
  • Connections between the children in the group



Collecting informations

You browse the content of the website, the blog, the FAQ, read a lot about us, gather information from your friends, you might also participate in our online or personal info/open days (you can learn about these programs via Facebook, our website or our newsletters). You will review your financial and local options. Detailed information on the different categories of financial contribution can be found here. Considering all the information, you will decide as a family together, whether you want to join our community.

Make your introduction video

The next step is to make an introduction video (up to 2 minutes long) and upload it to Youtube, with an “unlisted” setting so no one else can watch it but us. You will need to copy this link in the application form.

You should be prepared in advance.

What kind of video should it be?

  • Which can give a picture of you as a family and of your child.
  • It doesn’t have to be a Hollywood super-production, we just want to connect faces to the data. :)

You fill out the application form

You fill out a form, it takes about 10-15 minutes. You will answer questions that will give you instant feedback on whether we can go further in the application process. The application form of the mid schoolers can be found here.

We get to know each other

As the next step, we organize personal meetings for getting to know each other.

You get in contact with the Budapest School's operators (founders of the school), staff and teachers, by phone / online or in person.

We will contact you with specific date arrangements.

Demo Days

We invite you for our demo days, where we can check how does your child feel in the group, how can they connect with the group. We will contact you by arranging a specific date.

You will receive feedback

After the demo days, you will receive written and/or oral feedback and you can also give feedback to us. We finalize the decision about the joining.

You join the school

If both parties are happy after the trial days, you will receive a welcome letter. It will contain all the important information you need to do before starting school (registration, transfer of financial contribution, access to our own IT system, etc.)

Our Team